David w Donner


Writer Bio

Growing up in a rural area on the Florida coast, I always felt a deep connection to nature and its grandeur, which also fueled an interest in spirituality. Juxtaposed to natural beauty, however, a darker side always loomed. Though no different from “darkness” found elsewhere, this contrast was stark, and left an indelible impression. Having trouble expressing my thoughts on this topic in conversation, I turned to journaling and writing stories centered around this dichotomy.

Following this trend, I eventually embarked on a mission to express in story, the struggles I encountered growing up with my unique set of circumstances. “The Child on the Playground” is the finished result of this endeavor. This work presents my perspective on life by fusing relationship struggles, spirituality, small-town stories, along with paranormal elements.

As in my other creative endeavors, the eclectic nature of my writing is fueled by a wide range of interests and talents, ranging from technical to creative. I’ve received degrees in Mechanical-Aerospace Engineering and also Music, as well as taking classes, workshops, and studying on my own, the topics of philosophy, spirituality, theology, and of course writing.


Hello world

Though I have written all my life, only now am I making a concerted effort to share my work with the world.

I shall also share this journey, here on this page ~